Antwerp. The epicenter of business services in Flanders.
More than 20% of the total added value in business services in Flanders is generated in the city of Antwerp. The city is responsible for over 25% of all employment in business services in Flanders.
Antwerp has large sectors in:
- Head offices and consultancy
- Financial services
- ICT services
- Legal and accounting services
- Temping and placement services
- Architects and engineers
- Cleaning companies and landscaping companies
- Administrative services such as invoicing, payroll, collection agencies, the organisation of conventions and trade shows, call centres
- Advertising and market research
- Technical services including designers, photographers, translators, managers, experts
- Rental and leasing
- Travel agencies
- Security
- Scientific research
- Veterinary services
The City of Antwerp has 6,846 companies that have to file accounts every year as well as 3,805 self-employed who all provide business services. The companies generate a total added value of 4.4 billion euros, with a workforce of 60,490 employees. Business services by far are the city’s biggest activity, in terms of the number of companies and especially in terms of the workforce employed. In terms of added value the business services sector is comparable with industry.
Largest sectors by number of companies:
- consultancy (1.637)
- financial services (1.134)
- ICT services (842)
Largest sectors in terms of added value:
- Temp agencies and placement (1.4 billion euros)
- Head offices (790 million euros)
- Architects and engineers (359 million euros)